Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! Now I will only be posting two blog posts this week and this is the second post so you will next see me next week! In my post today I will be talking about the different fonts I will be using for the titles. As I have said before, Nicole and I have argued over which fonts to use. I wanted a fancier look but we wanted clean and sharp. We decided to meet in the middle and find some fonts that have a mixture. Below will be some examples of the fonts that we like. On Nicole’s blog, she has also posted some examples of the fonts. Well, that is it for today! I know it is short, but one spring break is over than the posts will be filled with a lot more information and updates! Have a great day!
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Hello everyone and welcome back to my blog! This past week has been quite eventful with spring break! I have family visiting from across the country and we are also getting ready for a cruise! With those factors keeping me busy, I am still working on the film opening! I have mostly been working on the sound and different ways that we can show the titles. Nicole and I have been debating on what fonts to use because we both have different artistic types but we were both able to find a happy medium. In the next blog post you will be able to see some examples of fonts and how we want to show them. But for right now we are going to be focusing on music! I found a great song that we can use for the beginning. It is free to use and it goes perfectly with the beginning of our opening. Now I would show it straight from my computer but I was having slight difficulties so I recorded it through my phone and the video will be posted right after this post. Well that is it for today! Thanks for checking in and I hope you have a great day! 
Sunday, March 24, 2019
It's Gonna be a Slooooow Week
Hello everyone and welcome back! As you know this week has been a bit slow, especially since spring break just started, so there is not much information to share. Nicole and I have been texting about what we want to do and how we want to film. She is in Boston right now and is touring a ton of colleges up there so progress has been a bit slow. Once spring break is over and Nicole and I will be able to see each other, filming will automatically start and progress will continue at a rapid pace. We are able to use the interrogation room for sure and the diner is going to let us film! I am so excited for the filming to begin and to use my amazing acting skills! But until then I will be leaving for a cruise on March 28th and will be back April 1st. Once I get back we will automatically start filming. Well, that’s it for today! Check in later this week to find some more updates! (Here is a gif of what I’m gonna look like on the beach)
Friday, March 22, 2019
I Was Wrong in My Last Post!!!
Hello everyone and welcome back! I have found a problem with the last post I posted about and I want to clear something up. I will not be able to use the website for the music since it is not free. I currently do not have a job and I will not be able to afford to pay for the music. But, I have found another website to use! YouTube has its own website for royalty free music and I can also download off of YouTube itself. YouTube has a great audio library and the link to get there is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCht8qITGkBvXKsR1Byln-wA . Another great website that I have used before is Killer Tracks - Online Production Music Library Resource . The selection is endless and it is also free. A picture of the website is below! Well, thanks for reading and check in over the weekend to get some more information! Ps. I know that these past posts have been a bit short but once we start getting more accomplished the posts will be much longer!
Thursday, March 21, 2019
We Couldn't Film Today...
Hello everyone and welcome back! Today has been a very interesting day! With our plot all set up Nicole and I are able to film! Well, we were going to film until our actor who plays Gideon had to bail last minute. But we figured everything out and we will be able to film over break when all of us are in town. Since we haven’t been able to film, Nicole and I decided to work on some other parts of the film opening like the titles and the music. In my last post, you can see a great website that a friend told me about for the fonts. Nicole and I have some different opinions on what the fonts should be but I think once we get all of the filming done, then we can really worry about it.
Another great factor that we needed to do some research on was the music! I found a great website that had some royalty free 50s music! The website is https://www.audioblocks.com/royalty-free-audio/50s and it will look like:
This website has tons of options to choose from in many different genres and media. In our film opening, we will have two different songs playing. In the beginning, we will have a happy upbeat song and then once the door opens to the interrogation room, the music will become much more serious. When the main character starts going into the flashbacks that’s when the music will stop and the audience will hear more of the dialogue. Well, that’s it for today! Thanks for checking in and tune in tomorrow for some more information on the film opening!
Wednesday, March 20, 2019
Were Filming!!!
Hey everyone and welcome back! We’re filming this week!!! I am so excited! So Nicole and I found someone to be our Gideon this week since our last “actor” didn’t work out so well. We honestly weren’t expecting him to say yes since he is so shy. But I think he is a perfect fit for Gideon! So welcome to the cast John! Nicole and I have also figured out a name for our production company and it will be named “ Regal R&N”. We are still figuring out the font for the titles but we still have time to work it out.
For today, Nicole and I have been working on some last touches for our storyboard for filming. We touched up on our questions that we are going to ask and filled in some of the plot holes that were starting to form. For one of the flashbacks, we are going to have Blair and Gideon having dinner and we decided to have it at a diner named Lucilles. The diner is 50s’ themed and it would fit in perfectly with the theme. Plus I know people that work there so they will let us film. Anyways! Thanks for checking in and tune in tomorrow for some more information! (Here is an amazing artistic design we did for our storyboard).
Sunday, March 17, 2019
Fonts and more fonts!
Hello everyone and welcome back! I know the posts this past week have been a little short and slow but that is because my partner isn’t here! She is in Indianapolis with the band for a field trip and they come back home super late tonight! Now Nicole and I plan on filming on the 20th and the 21st this week. All of the scenes are figured out for what we want and Nicole has been working on the storyboard a bit more in Indianapolis. Now, I’m not really sure if we are going to be able to use the interrogation room at the police station this week so we will have to film another time. This past week a girl in my class named Valentina gave me a great website to use for fonts for all of the titles we are going to have in the opening. The website is https://www.dafont.com/new.php and it is great! An example of one of the fonts we are going to use is below and the front page of the website.
I am so glad that Valentina gave me this website because I was stressing about it before. The fonts that say “free for personal use” can be used without asking or paying so you do not need to give credit to the creator. So this is really helpful and makes the credits a lot easier to make. Well, thanks for checking in and come back later to see some more updates on the film opening!
Saturday, March 16, 2019
Small Updates
Hey everyone and welcome back to my blog! So Nicole and I have decided that we want to start filming on the 20th and the 21st. I am so excited to start filming! This weekend we care going to get the costumes at thrift stores and I love thrift shopping! There are tons of thrift stores near bye so hopefully we will find what we are looking for. I ordered the long cigarette off of amazon for a few dollars and it should be coming in soon. For the makeup, I already have tons of makeup at home and so does Nicole so we should be fine. Well that’s it today! Thanks for reading! Come back tomorrow!!
Thursday, March 14, 2019
More Teamwork!!!
Hello everyone and welcome back! Today my class had another group discussion! I find these extremely helpful and it is really fun hearing other ideas from other people. Everyone in the group loved Nicole and I’s idea! A girl in my group gave me an awesome website where I can find fonts for the titles. The link for the website is https://www.dafont.com
Working with these groups is really helpful with getting all of my brain power flowing. Especially since Nicole isn’t here, it has been a bit harder coming up with ideas and planning out more things. I really liked everyone’s ideas and I found that a kid in our group, Matthew, has a really cool video idea by giving it a 90s’ vibe. We all helped each other out in the group whether it was about giving software tips or letting another film at your house. We were all really supportive of each other and I felt that the vibe we gave towards each other really helped our confidence in our works.
So even though Nicole is in Indianapolis, I still found other great people to help with our idea and give us some feedback that we really needed. The group told us that the storyline is not like anything else that they have heard before and that the way that we want to play with colors and lighting will really bring out a lot in the film's mood. In my next blog post, I will post some updates on the makeup and hairstyles that I want to do on the characters (More specifically Blair). So stay tuned and check in tomorrow for some more updates! Have a great day!
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
My Partner Left Me! (for a field trip)
Hello everyone and welcome back! This week is going to be a bit different for me just because my partner for the project isn’t in town! Nicole is going with the band to Indianapolis to perform at a big competition. The band left this morning and will not be here for the rest of the week, so that means that I have to get some planning done without Nicole. This week I’m going to go more into depth with the props and how we are going to pull off the film opening. So far I have been looking at lighting on Amazon that we can use for the film since different colors have different representations for the characters. I can also ask my friend Julia for her light and use her projector. I also found some makeup at Sephora yesterday so in my next post I will be posting about the makeup and how we are going to make the looks. This is just an overview of what is to be expected in the next few blog posts so stay tuned and check in tomorrow! (Enjoy this gif of Bob Ross)
Sunday, March 10, 2019
Some changes!
Hello everyone and welcome back! Nicole and I have gotten a lot of information brought together and have really brought together the storyline. We originally had the idea of having the film center around a female gang and the leader gets caught at a murder but we decided to switch it up a bit. Instead of having it about a female gang, Nicole and I decided that we want it to be about a love affair. That is why in the flashbacks we will show the lead, Blair, having close scenes with the victim, Gideon. We found the plot a bit easier to work with and we also felt that we could create a more interesting story, rather than going with the whole Oceans 8 idea.
Nicole and I have also debated on what time period we should have the movie take place. I felt that having the film be set in the 50s’ that it would give it more of an artistic style that we can work with and I would like the challenge. The only thing that we have to be cautious about is that Nicole and I must make sure that we use a lot of tight shots so we don’t have anything modern in the opening. Nicole and I are going to be shopping at thrift stores and finding costumes that go with the time period. In my previous post, you can see the costume ideas that Nicole and I have come up with. Well, that’s my update for today! Thanks for checking in and tune in next week for more updates! Bye!
Saturday, March 9, 2019
Hi everyone and welcome back! In this post I will be talking about costuming! Nicole and I are very excited to go to a bunch of different thrift stores and find costumes that go with our characters. In the descriptions below I will describe each character and what kind of mood Nicole and I want them to portray.
Our first character is the one and only Blair Libra! She is a badass lead female character that is very independent. Since this is set in the 1950s’ she will be wearing a dress and we want to sort of assign colors to each character. For libra her character color will be red. Her dress will be red and so will her nails. Below will be some photos of ideas that we want to use for her.
Now for our detective who will have a more serious look. Nicole and I want the film to have strong independent females who are the leads. S o we have chosen to have the detective to also be played by a female. If it doesn’t seem realistic well hey! Men used to play women in plays and that was accepted! Our detective will be wearing a blazer and some straight cut pants. In plenty of movies that is what they have the female detectives wearing and it also seems the most appropriate. Nicole and I also have to make sure that the outfits stay to the time of the setting where most women did not wear pants. So some examples that we found are pictured below. The detectives color will be very monotone and will be in grey to show that she is not here to have fun, she is very serious and wants to get straight to the point.
For our third character will be the one and only victim Gideon Andrews! Gideon will look like the basic but fashionable young men from the 50s’. He will have the slicked back hair and the nice outfits. His color will be white to show how he is innocent in the entire plot and because blood also shows up better on white (not going to lie there). Not only do we want him to look innocent but we also want him to look rich and fashionable. He will be a character that everyone likes overall. Below are some examples that we have found for Gideon Andrews.
Thanks for checking in today and I hope you enjoy our costuming ideas for the characters! Check back tomorrow to see more information on the film opening!
Friday, March 8, 2019
Planning, planning, and more planning
Hey everyone and welcome back! Nicole and I have been working really hard on our story’s layout and what lies ahead for it. We worked harder on the storyline and the storyboard itself. Below I have a picture of Nicole while we are working on our project in class.
The beginning of our movie (the film opening) will consist of scenes from before and after the crime was committed, but will all center around the victim and the crime. Whenever the detective asks Blair a question, the scene will cut to the flashback giving the answer, but once it cuts back to Blair she says something contradicting. We want the opening to end by having the detective ask a very serious and important question that grabs Blairs attention and she immediately looks up. Once she looks up in shock the scene will cut out and it will show the movie’s title. For the rest of the movie, Nicole and I want it to be about Blair leaving the station and she kind of breaks the fourth wall and tells the audience that she is going to explain. The movie then cuts back to before the murder and the story begins.
Nicole and I have been looking at Shutterstock to get some ideas of how we want to pull off some of the shots. For the first shot, we want to have a close up of Blair’s legs as she is getting out of the car. There are many ways to pull that off so we decided to search the internet for some examples. In the next blog post, I will talk more about the storyboard and what Nicole and I are debating on. But for right now we are really focusing on Blair and the other characters and how we want them to be portrayed to the audience. Is Blair innocent or guilty? If she is guilty, what is the motive? Many factors have come up in what we really want to do for the plot, so in the next blog, I will talk about the conversations that we have had. Check in tomorrow to check out my next blog post!
Wednesday, March 6, 2019
Hey everyone! So Nicole and I have been talking during class about our project and we are really trying to come up with the specifics in the plot. Like the characters names and questions that the detective will be asking the leader. We decided that the plot would be better off if we didn’t have a gang and we just made it more about the leader. Nicole and I found the name Blair that really fits with the leaders persona. This name was personified perfectly by Blair Waldorf, the “Gossip Girls” evil queen. With her icy stare and flawless hairs, Blair Waldorf commanded both adoration and attention wherever she went. And Blair can be used for baby boys as well. Blair’s last name will be Libra because we thought the name was really cute to be honest.
For the victim’s name we have chosen Gideon Andrews. According to Nameberry the name “Gideon” means having a stump for a hand and we might play off of the name. In the film opening we also will have the Director, writer, cinematographer, editor, and main actors. For director and writer, Nicole and I will both have our names. The other three sections we are still figuring out. Nicole will be the main character, Blair and I will be the detective.
Nicole and I decided to set the date of the film in the 1950s instead of having it modern. That means costuming and make-up will play a big role into setting the date. Nicole and I plan on going shopping at thrift stores to get some out fits and I am going to ask my mom if I can wear her uniform for the detective. Another factor that sets up the mood and plot are the questions that the detective asks Blair. Some of the questions that will be asked will start off with “ would you like some water before we start?” and then get into deeper questions like “ did you know Mr. Andrews personally?”. These questions will lead on to the flashbacks and the truth behind them. Below are some pictures that I took while figuring out the questions that we are going to have. Thanks for checking out my blog and come back tomorrow to find out some more information about my film opening.
Sunday, March 3, 2019
character development!
So I know that I have talked about the plot before but I did not go into much depth about it. The movie is about a female gang and their leader gets caught by the police. The film will open up with the leader getting interrogated by the police. While the police officer is asking the leader about the crime that she was caught at ( a murder), the answers to those questions will be shown through a flashback.One of the questions the detective will ask “did you know the victim personally or at all?” and then the scene will cut to the flashback and it will show the leader and the victim have an intimate dinner. The flashback will then cut back to the interview and the leader will answer that she doesn’t know him. Nicole and I want to have the leader have the same sort of style as Angelina Jolie in Mr. and Mrs. Smith. The character Jane Smith is very secretive and a trained assassin but the audience can see that she has feelings and separate thoughts than her gang. The person that was killed will be someone very significant and the audience will knot know if she was the one to kill him until later in the movie. Well tune in next week to find out more development of our characters and how Nicole and I are going to be filming!

Saturday, March 2, 2019
Hey everyone! Welcome back to my blog! For this post I am going to talk about Nicole and I’s film opening planning. Nicole and I plan on filming almost every weekend and editing throughout the week. So far we have started a storyboard that shows what we want to do. I’m the picture below you can see our first shot. Our shooting will also vary whether or not there is someone being actually interrogated. We will also be using a separate location for the actual crime scene. So if the interrogation room is taken up than we can record the other scenes. Thanks for tuning in! In my next post tomorrow I will talk more about the planning!
Friday, March 1, 2019
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Hello everyone and welcome back! This week I am going to be talking about Nicole and I’s planning and how we are going to make this film opening work out. But I will talk more about that in the next post. For right now, I want to talk about the meetings that we had in class. In class today, my teacher put us into groups so we were able to talk about our projects. Everyone had really great ideas and tips. Nicole and I were separated so I got a more diverse set of opinions. I told the group that I was in about the plot and the interrogation, and they really seemed to like it. The only question the really had was what the ending was going to be about. To be honest, Nicole and I really haven’t thought about it yet. To be able to fit everything into two minutes will be a bit difficult, but I know that we can do it. The people in my groups also had really great ideas that varied from superheroes to skateboarding teens in the ’90s. We all gave advice to each other and it was really helpful seeing others projects and their ideas. I really loved getting into the groups and it would be great if we did this more often. In the next post, I will be talking about our planning and I will show some photos of our storyboard. Until next time!
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